The Freedom Theatre’s Annual Report 2011 can be read and downloaded here:
To order one or more printed copies of the Annual Report, send us an email: [email protected]
The Freedom Theatre’s Annual Report 2011 looks back on a devastating year for the theatre. In April, Juliano Mer Khamis, co-founder of The Freedom Theatre and its visionary leader, was murdered. The staff and members of the theatre had to deal not only with the shock of losing a beloved colleague, teacher and friend, but also the uncertainty of not knowing who killed Juliano and why. In addition, the theatre faced ongoing harassment by the Israeli army, which rendered three innocent staff members imprisoned and many more interrogated and beaten. All were later released without charge.
Against all odds, the staff, board and members managed to keep the theatre from collapsing and thanks to the support from friends around the world, we got through the storm. A period of contemplation and reorganizing followed, from which we came out stronger in our commitment to keeping The Freedom Theatre going and once again thriving.
When the year came to an end, all our activities were once again up and running, as well as new ones initiated. We are looking ahead towards a promising new year with major projects such as a Street Theatre production and the Freedom Bus event that you are invited to join (read more about it on We also hope to engage a new group of students in the Acting School and several of the former students that graduated last year have joined the theatre as promising actors or trainers.
Nevertheless, we will not forget, and we will not cease to demand, unconditionally, that those responsible for Juliano’s death be brought to justice.
Just as The Freedom Theatre was built on the inspiration and legacy of Arna, Juliano’s mother, so will its future work be built on the legacy of Juliano. It will carry on his message to promote freedom – not only for the Palestinian people but for all human beings.
We are mourning, but we will continue our resistance through art, continue our struggle, continue to do our better than best.
As Juliano would say: The Revolution must go on!