On October 20, The Freedom Theatre will host a psychodrama workshop led by Agnes Dudler and Stefan Flegelskamp – two highly skilled and experienced psychodramatists from Germany. The workshop will commence at 9am and conclude at 2:30pm and will focus on the use of Psychodrama with children. If you would like to attend, please contact Alia Alrosan at alia@thefreedomtheatre.org or tel. 0599304523.
Introduction to Psychodrama Group Therapy with Traumatized Children, as developed by Alfons Aichinger and Stefan Flegelskamp, Germany
Traumatized children seldom express their feelings verbally. They do not have words for the horror they have experienced. But they express it in a symbolical way in their games. To understand their trauma and support their way to cure it, the therapists have to enter this world on the psychodramatic stage as an active participant of the story, that has been developed together with the children and in the role, the children chose for them. Children are still in contact with the amazing human creativity. With some support they change painful experiences in a symbolical play into powerful roles, helpful to overcome the trauma and find solutions for their conflicts.
Psychodrama with children is different in many ways from psychodrama with adults. During this workshop a basic idea of the theory and the practical approach of this very effective way to work with traumatized children will be given.
Stefan Flegelskamp, Director of the Institut für Psychodrama SZENEN in Cologne, has worked for many years with young drug addicts and is a psychotherapist for children and youth. During his many years working in a home for traumatized children he has developed a special approach of symbolical play with children, based on the method of Alfons Aichinger. He is teaching this method since 2008.
Agnes Dudler is psychotherapist in a private praxis in Bonn. She founded the institute SZENEN in 1991 and was its director for 20 years. She is a trainer and supervisor for psychodrama since 1981 and was for seven years a board member of the FEPTO (Federation of European Psychodrama Training Organsations) and still is board member of the DFP (Deutscher Fachverband für Psychodrama = German Professional Organisation for Psychodrama). She has for many years worked on the development of a qualified psychodrama training in Germany and FEPTO member countries.