In January The Freedom Theatre launched a new photography course, with 12 children from Jenin camp and its surroundings. The workshops are part of a unique project that the theatre is running with support from the Swedish Postcode Lottery, aimed at strengthening the theatre’s ability to strengthen the child perspective in all its work – be it drama, photography, creative writing or filmmaking.

According to the photography instructor, Baraa Sharqawi, the purpose of the photography workshops is to give the children space to express themselves by taking pictures, filming and playing at the same time. The workshops are held two hours a day for eight days in total. They started at a time when the schools run by UNRWA were closed and the children didn’t have any really valuable activities so they spent their time either at home or in the street.

Baraa provides basic information about what photography is and how to use the camera for taking pictures as well as for making films. At the beginning the workshops were more theoretical, then the participants started applying what they learned. “In the workshops, kids have the opportunity to express themselves, how they play, what they dream about and what their lives are really like”, says Baraa.

The children are really excited to be doing something worthwhile in their life. They have been given the tasks of interviewing and filming each other and then review the recordings, witch results in a lot of laughter.

“I chose to join the photography course because when I grow up I hope to study journalism, so then I can utilize my knowledge” says Mahmoud, who has soon completed the course.