The Freedom Theatre presents three brand new products by young people in Jenin, who are participating in our multimedia activities:
Stories – a photography exhibition
A World of Words – a collection of short novels (Arabic)
Spectrum – a collection of photographs and poems (Arabic, English and Swedish)
December 10, at 12:00 Opening
The Freedom Theatre, Jenin Refugee Camp
December 11
The Freedom Theatre, Jenin Refugee Camp

December 14, at 11:00-17:00
Cinema Jenin, Jenin City

December 16, at 10:00 to 14:00
Arrabeh Municipality

Spectrum comes in a booklet format and contains twenty images with accompanying texts in Arabic, English and Swedish. Each text is a small poem, capturing the essence of the image as perceived by the photographer. The book costs $15 (€12). We give quantity discount to orders over five copies. To order, send an email to