May 31st, ‘Courage, Ouda, Courage’ will be performed in Amsterdam! 20:30, at Theater Perdu, Kloverniersburgwal 86. Entrance 15€.

Ouda, an old man, a refugee, slaves away for his tyrannical his boss, a hotel restaurant manager. Now, he stands beside the grave of his mother. While walking through the cemetery he meets a friend and visits his past. We travel with him back to his village by the sea. We follow him as he flees alone through the mountains and rebuilds his life at the refugee camp of Jenin. His only wish? To meet his mother again.

Theatre ‘Hotel Courage’ is an international theatre company. The company is touring with the production ‘Hotel Courage World Tour’. On this tour we train local professional actors and theatre makers and creates an imaginary hotel. In 2016, all the cast members from various countries will come together in Amsterdam and perform the Theatre Hotel Courage. Everywhere we go we ask the question:

“If the world would be a hotel, what would be your position in it?”

From this point of view the various actors create different rooms and characters. The world tour will result in the show ‘Hotel Courage’ in which the audience will witness people from all layers of society: managers, cooks, cleaners, soldiers, immigrants, politicians, secret lovers, homeless, oppressors and the oppressed.
To date, the company has toured Canada, United States, Palestine, Ghana and India. This season we will tour to Japan, Iran, Colombia, South Korea and Russia.

Hotel Courage is well known for its training of professional actors, directors and filmmakers. They teach at schools like the Toronto University and the American Academy of Dramatic Arts, in Los Angeles and in New York. And at The Freedom Theatre in Jenin.

Photo courtesy Prince Claus Fund (c) Maarten van Haaff.