Cinema Jenin and The Freedom Theatre have recently formalized their collaboration in order to strengthen the cultural sector in Jenin city and camp.

“Through this unique partnership we want to show that culture is collaborative by nature and that cultural cooperation can counter the fragmentation of Palestinian society”, says Nabil Al-Raee, the Artisic Director of The Freedom Theatre. He considers culture as an essential part of the Palestinian resistance against the Israeli occupation and this alliance is a strategic action that he hopes will be followed by other organisations.

“Cinema Jenin and The Freedom Theatre has already collaborated on a number of projects and we frequently share resources and facilities”, says Lamei Asir, the project manager of Cinema Jenin. “Now, we will take our cooperation to the next level and plan future joint ventures. One of those include the formation of a mobile cinema unit. If you are interested you will find us meeting together every other Wednesday in the garden of Cinema Jenin.”

For more information please contact [email protected].


Cinema Jenin
Built in the early 1960’s, Cinema Jenin was considered to be one of the largest and most impressive cinemas in Palestine. However, it was closed with the break of the first Intifada in 1987. Since then, the cinema was only used occasionally to hold weddings and other events. Thanks to the dedication of a team of local professionals supported by international volunteers, the cinema was restored and opened to the public in 2010. Today, Cinema Jenin serves as a public venue for the whole Jenin area, offering screenings of local and international films, music concerts and workshops in photography and short filmmaking and a new folklore dance school (dabke). Cinema Jenin also has the only Open Air cinema in Palestine with a big outdoor stage for major summer festivals and cultural events. Read more:

The Freedom Theatre
The Freedom Theatre is located in Jenin Refugee Camp and is a community-based cultural centre that offers a unique programme of activities in performing arts and multimedia, including a three-year professional Theatre School, trainings in psychodrama and playback theatre, filmmaking, photography and creative writing. Set up in 2006, The Freedom Theatre draws its inspiration from Care and Learning, a unique project run during the First Intifada, which used theatre and art to address the chronic fear, depression and trauma experienced by children in Jenin Refugee Camp. Read more: