After a week of wonderful performances to absolutely packed houses, we can say with confidence that Magic Note has been a tremendous success, beyond anything we could have hoped for. Magic Note is such a joyous play, full of music, dance, humour and happy colours, yet it carries many profound messages for children and adults alike. It speaks about the need to stand up against injustices, the need to protect children, and about how anyone of us can be the spark that lights the fire.

Children by the hundreds have lined up every day to get their (free) tickets and once inside the theatre, they have followed every scene with wide eyes and full concentration. They have laughed, cheered, clapped and chanted along with the actors: “Children’s rights! Children’s rights!” And the next day, they have come back for more. Rania, who is in charge of the tickets, said the other day: “Even when I’m heading home after work kids follow me for tickets!”

With this kind of crave for theatre, we simply can’t say no. So we have decided to continue offering performances of Magic Note throughout February. Every Tuesday, there will be one performance at 11:00 for schools, and one at 15:00 for the general public.

You can help us along by getting your very own VIP ticket which will be used by a child in Jenin.