Playback Theatre and Popular Struggle

September 14-18, 2014

Playback Theatre is an interactive theatre approach used for community building, collective trauma response and cultural activism. In a Playback event, audience members share true stories, and watch as a team of actors and musicians transform these accounts into improvised enactments.

Since 2011, The Freedom Theatre’s Freedom Bus has partnered with village cooperatives, popular struggle committees and grassroots organizations to hold Playback Theatre events throughout the occupied West Bank.

In this 5-day introductory workshop, we will learn and practice the basic elements of Playback Theatre. In particular, we will develop our ability to identify the central themes, emotions and events that a ‘Teller’ presents in their story. We will also explore ways to turn true stories into improvised enactments that are rich in artistry, attunement and effective ensemble work. The workshop will specifically investigate the purpose and application of Playback Theatre within the broader popular struggle movement

14th – 18th September 2014

9am – 4pm each day. Participants must attend all days/hours.

At-Tuwani, South Hebron Hills, Occupied Palestine. Participants will live onsite for the duration of the workshop

Ben Rivers specializes in the use of applied theatre for community mobilization and cultural activism. He has taught and practiced in Australia, Europe, India, the Middle East, North Africa and North America. Ben is a founding member of the Freedom Bus initiative and co-founder of the Arab School of Playback Theatre. He is a Registered Drama Therapist and an Accredited Playback Theatre Trainer

Fidaa Ataya is a traditional storyteller and drama-in-education specialist. She has worked with schools, organizations and activist groups across Palestine. Fidaa is also a Playback Theatre practitioner in the Freedom Bus troupe

The Freedom Theatre’s Freedom Bus in partnership with the South Hebron Hills Popular Struggle Committee and the Arab School of Playback Theatre

This workshop is accredited through the Arab School of Playback Theatre – an affiliate school of the Centre for Playback Theatre. Workshop hours can be counted towards an internationally recognized Diploma in Playback Theatre.

Priority will be given to Palestinian residents from the South Hebron Hills. A limited number of places will also be available for non-local participants

For more information, or to apply for a place, please contact Fidaa Ataya: / 0598247332 or Ben Rivers: