The Freedom Theatre presents three brand new products by young people in Jenin, who are participating in our multimedia activities:
Stories – a photography exhibition
A World of Words – a collection of short novels (Arabic)
Spectrum – a collection of photographs and poems (Arabic, English and Swedish)
Stories showcases the work of The Freedom Theatre’s photography student. The subject of these photos is an elderly generation of Palestinian refugees originally from ’48/Israel. Each piece in the exhibition documents a moment in their lives, journeys, past and present. The students have captured their elders’ distant memories of land and reimagining of their history. The photos are a statement by these young Palestinian photographers that they will never forget the rich history of our people.
Spectrum comes in a booklet format and contains twenty images with accompanying texts in Arabic, English and Swedish. Each text is a small poem, capturing the essence of the image as perceived by the photographer. The book costs $15 (€12). We give quantity discount to orders over five copies. To order, send an email to