With the launch of The Freedom Films – a slate of 6 new films to be produced through 2013 – we take an exciting step forward in our evolution and put the tools of both cinema and the internet to our task of living out the revolution possible through art.

The Freedom Films aims to bring you a slate of new content, both long form and short, documentary and fiction, on topics including:

  • art as a tool of resistance
  • detention as a coming-of age ritual
  • the music of Tahrir Square
  • the West Bank’s water crisis



We believe in our independence. And we believe that our humanity, our connection to the people whose stories we share, is a more powerful weapon in the arsenal of a filmmaker than money can buy. So we operate on a shoestring, working through engagement with our subjects, and in a spirit of co-operation. But we also realise that without an audience – without you – our work is meaningless.

This is why we’re coming to you now. We want to get this work out to you in the best possible condition, and we want to give our voices the best possible shot at reaching fresh ears. We need to raise $10,000 to cover completion costs so that we can deliver this slate to you, to festivals and to new audiences around the world by the end of the year. If we’re going to succeed, then we need your investment. We need your support. And we need you to spread the word.


Read more and donate



Our brand new Film Unit is set up as a collective space where novices and trainees are able to practice their craft alongside professionals who mentor them. This film unit builds on the legacy of Juliano Mer Khamis to create lasting stories that reflect the marginalised perspectives of the people of Jenin and hidden aspects of the wider Palestinian story. It aims to nurture new voices, using both cinema and the internet to tell stories that reflect the humanity and truth of the Palestinian situation, far beyond the clichés and biases of mainstream media. This is a new model. A guerrilla movement of sorts.