Micaela Miranda has worked at The Freedom Theatre’s Acting School since it was started in 2008. Micaela is today the Director of the school and besides training the acting students in Movement Analysis, Physical theatre and directing the movement of the plays we produce, Miranda is also developing the pedagogy of this unique school. Since the start, 16 students have graduated, many of whom are working in West Bank theatres and abroad.

As part of the the development of the Acting School, Micaela is starting a new journey: she is going back to her school, Ecole Jacques Lecoq in Paris, to do the third pedagogical year. Micaela’s goal is to get more specialized in this pedagogy and develop her teaching methods as well as the whole pedagogical program of the Acting School, and to establish a cooperation between Ecole Jacques Lecoq and The Freedom Theatre.

Micaela will be going to Paris with her daughter Mina for 10 months and as she is taking a leave of abscence from The Freedom Theatre, she is looking for funding to support her during her stay. The Freedom Theatre is seeking funding for the bulk of the expenses and Micaela is running a crowd funding campaign to cover the remainder of the expenses for her and her daughter. You can support her and read more here.

Consider this as an investment and show of support for the education and creation of artists in Palestine!